Case Study
Donnerstag, 20. Juni
18:00 - 18:30
Live in Zürich
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Das deutsche Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BIS) stufte die kritische Schwachstelle in Java- Bibliothek Log4j als eine extrem kritische Bedrohungslage ein. Das BSI hatte daher zeitweise die Cyber-Sicherheitswarnung von Stude rot ausgerufen. Diese bedeutet das es zum Ausfall vieler Dienste kommen kann und der Regelbetrieb nicht aufrechterhalten werden kann. Die Relevanz einer solchen Sicherheitslücke sind unbestritten. Welche Relevanz eine solcher Fall für die IT Security und Resilienz hat zeigt sich erst auf unternehmensinterner Ebene.
My career started as an electronic engineer and I was fascinated by the complexity of the logic behind a simple led. I moved on to software development to be able to bring these leds and web applications to life. Then I realized that I wanted to know how to fix the damage that attackers could do to the logic that I implemented and I landed in IT-Security. Life is still long, who knows what my next step will be?
I like simple things. The world is complicated. Computer science is getting complicated. Consequently, cyberattacks have a larger attack surface. Let’s not complicate security. Let’s keep it simple!
Writing a web application is simple, but writing, deploying, and maintaining a secure web application is a real challenge!
During these last years at Swisspost, I have been able to acquire a lot of new knowledge in the vast field of IT Security.
Security Champion Program, DevSecOps, Shift Left approach, BugBounties, *AST Tools, Security Certifications & Trainings, Ethical Hacking, Cyber Security Conferences such LEHACK or SWISS CYBER STORM, Penetration Testing, Blue Teaming, Red Teaming and a lot more...
I'm lucky and happy because Cyber Security it's part of my everyday life!